logo saying hazn in fancy way
as above, so below
colorful blurry circle spinning in the backgrounddrawn statue of my headdrawn statue of my headdrawn statue of my head

About me

Twenty-something software engineer from Zurich. Passionate about developing Fullstack applications with Applied Artificial Intelligence.


logo of the technologyfootball
logo of the technologymma
logo of the technologytaking walks
logo of the technologyreading
logo of the technologyjournaling
logo of the technologyvinyl
logo of the technologycutting-edge tech
logo of the technologydesign x ai


logo of the technologyrust
logo of the technologyswift
logo of the technologypython
logo of the technologytypescript
logo of the technologydeno
logo of the technologynext.js
logo of the technologyreact
logo of the technologywebassembly
logo of the technologyPrisma
logo of the technologyfigma
logo of the technologytailwindcss
logo of the technologysqlite
logo of the technologyjupyter
logo of the technologyfast.ai
logo of the technologyblender
logo of the technologyvscode
logo of the technologyxcode
logo of the technologyvim
logo of the technologygit
logo of the technologydocker


Prio Partners AG Website

logo of the technologywordpress
logo of the technologyfigma
triangle with the company logo in the middle of it

Redesigned the website of a wealth investment company.

Sequential Experiment Design

logo of the technologytypescript
logo of the technologyreact
logo of the technologynext.js
logo of the technologyPrisma
two silhouttes of humans

Developed a web application to recommend the right statistical tool for sampling datapoints. The application was developed together with a Ph.D. student at the Zurich People and Computing lab.


logo of the technologyswift
logo of the technologyswiftui
logo of the technologycoreml
picture of a mac and iphone with the virtualwardrobe application on their screens

VirtualWardrobe is a cross-platform application I created for my bachelor thesis. The premise is simple, make your wardrobe portable by digitally carrying your pictures of your clothing with you.

A custom machine learning model processed the pictures to crop and categorize the clothes. Embedding the machine learning model ensured that the pictures stay private and never leave your own devices (iOS, iPadOS, macOS) or private cloud (iCloud).

Intelligent Purchase Prediction

logo of the technologypython
logo of the technologyxgboost
figures from my scientific thesis

This project was done in a cooperation between my German university and a big german client. The goal was to predict the day the customer is most likely to purchase an item. The development of an artificial intelligence to solve this task was documented in a scientific thesis


logo of the technologyswift
logo of the technologypython
logo of the technologytensorflow
logo of the technologyrpi
logo of the padessi application

Padessi is the outcome of an internal company hackathon. Our idea was a mobile application that showed employees of the company free parking spaces.

A Raspberry Pi equipped with a camera periodically took pictures of the company parking lot. An artificial intelligence on the Pi analyzed the images and reported the free parking spaces to a server. Our team won third place out of more than 30 teams.